





Welcome to the Girl Crush Podcast

with Donna Pecci

“I created this podcast to encourage, inspire and empower women to dream big and live with purpose, passion, and joy. I am fortunate enough to help tell the stories of fascinating, authentic and sometimes really funny women who are out there in the world just Crushing it at life.

You’ll meet CEO’s entrepreneurs, healers, creators, artists, mystics, and moms. We will talk about everything from the decisions that shape our lives to the moments that make us laugh out loud. We’ll chat, we’ll examine, we’ll even gossip a little. I am so glad you are here and I can’t wait to hear what you think!”

Available on the following platforms:


Episode 01 • Sunday, Oct. 8, 2023

Discipline, Willpower and Non-Negotiables with Rosie Mattio

Rosie Mattio knows a thing or two about discipline. She is the founder and CEO of the largest cannabis focused PR firm in the country, has written for Rolling Stone, regularly speaks at conferences all over the country, has 4 beautiful daughters, and still maintains a strict and effective health and fitness protocol.

Episode 02 • Monday, Oct. 9, 2023

Changing your Response to Stress 
with Lizzi Cutler

Lizzi is a modern mystic, meditation coach and energy healer. If that sounds a little “woowoo” believe me, she gets it but you might have a change of heart after listening to this episode. Lizzi has built a successful career helping people change the way they respond to stress.